While it was not officially localized into English, a fan has written a full English translation patch. The first game in the series, King's Field, was released only in Japan. A so-called "spiritual successor" to the series, named Demon's Souls, was released Februin Japan for the PlayStation 3. King's Field IV was released several years later for the PlayStation 2 on October 4, 2001. The next two King's Field titles followed in quick succession: King's Field II on Jand King's Field III on June 21, 1996. The game's fully 3D, first person perspective was groundbreaking among console role-playing games of the time and received significant critical acclaim.
King's Field was released for the PlayStation in Japan on December 16, 1994, 13 days after the PlayStation console itself went on sale. Titles in this series have been released for the PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Microsoft Windows, and various mobile phone platforms. It is known for its brooding atmosphere and cryptic, labyrinthine dungeons. King's Field (キングスフィールド) is a console role-playing game series developed by From Software and localized into English by ASCII Entertainment (who later reformed into Agetec). PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Windows, Mobile phones Our results demonstrate that the construction of S-scheme heterojunction is a preferable strategy that can be applied to design the photoanode for highly efficient PEC water splitting.20th anniversary (of From Software) King's Field: Dark Side box set (2007) Besides, the same direction between the internal electric field and applied bias can reduce the applied bias voltage. According to the experimental and theoretical calculation results, the internal electric field formed on heterojunction interface can induce a step-scheme charge transfer mechanism, which not only promotes the separation of photogenerated charge but also maintains the strong redox ability of photogenerated charge. The onset potential reduces from 0.97 to 0.82 VRHE. The photocurrent density reaches 3.22 mA/cm2 (1.23 VRHE) without cocatalyst, higher than the photocurrent density yet reported for most BiVO4-based photoanodes. The proposed S-scheme BiVO4/WO3 photoanode (S-BiVO4/WO3) is inverse to the typical type-Ⅱ WO3/BiVO4 heterojunction photoanode (Ⅱ-WO3/BiVO4), and shows a significantly better PEC performance. Herein, it is first proposed that an S-scheme heterojunction is used as photoanode in the PEC field. However, type-II heterojunctions are disadvantaged by such drawbacks as the reduced redox ability and occurrence of repulsion against photogenerated charge transfer. Type-Ⅱ heterojunction film is widely applied as photoanode for the purpose of photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting.